Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Briggs - 15 months

15 MONTHS... 
I can not believe he is 15 months already!! 

It seems like overnight my little man has gone from this...

To this...

A climber!!  This boy climbs on everything. 

 When I took him to his well visit appointment yesterday and the doctor asked how things were going and my response was, "Well, we've made it to fifteen months without his first set of stitches.  So I think it's been a success."  And I meant it. 

Briggs is all boy... he is busy, he is loud, and he is hungry (ALL THE TIME).  But he has a smile that will light a room. 

I would like to say that I am his favorite person, but I know that would be a lie.  He loves his sister!!  For the longest time I thought he was saying Dadda all the time, but I discovered it was Stella.  And she loves him just much.  They play so well together, they wrestle, play hide-and-seek, babies and so much more.  I only hope this lasts forever.

"Biggs" we love you to the moon and back!!

15 month stats:
Weight: 24.5 lbs (75%)
Height 32 in (75%)
Words: Momma, Dadda, Stella and Ma(Milk)
Signs: Eat, All Done, and More
Sleeps:  12+ hours and has gone down to one nap.

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so big! I feel like we haven't seen him in forever.
