Monday, August 30, 2010

My Little Girl Is Growing Up...

For the last couple of weeks Brian and I have discussed that it is time for us to lower Stella's crib.  I went to do it last weekend, took the bumpers off, took the mattress out only to realize that we did not have the proper tool to complete the project... aka an allen wrench.  So we put it off. 

This afternoon, I went in to make sure that Stella had fallen asleep and this is what I found:
At this point I decided that today would be the day that we lowered the crib.  So daddy went out and bought the proper tools and together Stella and he lowered her crib.

 For my friends that do not have kids, you make think I'm crazy because this minor event made me sad.  But, everyone tells you how quickly they grow up.  This was my first realization of how true this is.  We just want to keep her small for as long as we can.  So far now our baby is back to being pinned in.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Weren't You Just Complaining That You Didn't Have Time to Read People???

For the past year or so I have actively read and admired blogs written by a couple of my friends.  I have admired their ability to capture important events in their lives and share them with loved ones all over the country.  Once Stella was born I really considered starting a blog because our family lives so far way.  Obviously, this would be an easy way to keep everyone informed of new milestones in her life.  But I convinced myself that a blog may not be for me because 1) I am constantly complaining that I have no time and 2) although I love our life, we are actually pretty boring.  However, to steal a quote from a friend of a friend... "If Kim can do it, so can I."

So, in a nutshell, here is what you missed thus far...
About seven years ago I met the man of my dreams, we got married and had a beautiful baby girl.  No, it didn't quite happen that quick, but close enough.
Welcome to The Soup's Scoop.