Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Baby Briggs (1 month old)

Dear Baby Briggs (aka Little Man),

Today you are one month old.  On one hand it seems like just yesterday you entered the world and blessed our family, but on the other  it seems like you've always been a part of our family.  I can barely remember what life was like before you arrived.  In the past month you have had a ton of visitors, both to the hospital and our house.  Mimi came for a week to visit and Pops surprised us when he arrived in the middle of the night for the weekend.  After they left, Grandma Susu and Aunt Wendy came for a week.

Overall, you have been an extremely easy baby.  You sleep ALOT, especially during the day.  But I have to admit you have also gotten better about sleeping at night, as long as we have you in the swing.  We will however be working on moving you into your crib shortly.  You are generally a pretty happy baby except in the evening when you seem to fuss/cry for a couple hours.  I really think it is just your way to get daddy's attention.

One thing that we really need to work on, however, is your eating.  I'm not saying that you are not a good eater... you must be because you keep putting on weight.  It's more that you are a messy eater.  It seems like every time you eat, mommy needs to change clothes because you just don't hold on.  It's really more like you enjoy sipping your meals rather than drinking :-)  I have been concerned on a few occasions that you weren't getting enough, but you gained a pound in one week.  Yes, one pound in a week.  At that rate you will be surpassing your sister's weight by the time you are nine months old. 

I forgot how many diapers newborns go through... Wow!!  And yes, I have been surprised with a fountain on a couple of occasions when I didn't get the diaper on quick enough.  You love to take baths and especially get your hair washed.  Unfortunately, however you have lost a lot of your hair from when you were born. 

Your sister absolutely adores you and always wants to help.  She can hear your crying from the other room and will run in to give you your binky.  I think you actually prefer your fist, but mommy keeps insisting on the binky.  She loves when you look at her and that is really starting to happen more and more.

My favorite memories so far have to be during some of our midnight feedings when Stella wakes up and doesn't want to be left out.  She comes in your room, climbs into the rocker and lays across my lap while I am feeding you.  There have been many a nights that we have all fallen asleep together on that chair.  It's times like that that I realize how lucky I am to be your and Stella's mommy.


  1. A month already??? Crazy! Love him. I think he looks a little like Stella in the bottom photo!!

  2. Love the pics and the post! Very sweet!
