Monday, August 13, 2012

Briggs - 3 months

Dear Briggs (Brigg-a-Boo)-

To think we made it another month :-)  You are three months old and how you have discovered your personality.  I knew it was too good to be true to have two easy going babies.  You are, well, a little high maintance.  I know, I know, I don't know how this happened.  You love to be held... all the time.  Getting you to take extended naps in your crib has been a bit of a challenge.  You do, however, sleep fairly well in your swing or again if you are being held.  I haven't quite got you on a schedule yet, and that is my fault.  This whole packing thing is really taking up a lot of our time.  Hopefully by this time next month, we will have moved into our new home and will be completely settled.  A girl can hope.

You are not grumpy all the time.  Like a said, you like to be held.  So as long as someone is holding you, you are such a happy and smiley baby.  You are also sooo strong and love to kick and stretch your legs.  We bought you a "Kicken' Coaster" for you to play in, but I still think you are a little too short, you get that from your dad.   Hopefully in the next couple of months, you will learn to love it.

Firsts for this month:
 Well, you attended your first party.  We had a party to celebrate your baptism.  We had over 50 people over for a pool party at Mimi and Pop's house.  Can you believe your family is that big. 

You also went on your first vacation, well weekend getaway.  We rented a cabin/summer home with the Rietzs and Koechels up north in Sholow to celebrate Uncle Joshie turning 40.  He is old, I know. 

Another major accomplishment is you can now rollover from your back to your belly.  You actually do it so well that no matter how many times I lay you back on your back, you are determined to sleep on your stomach.  Speaking of sleep, you have also begun to sleep through the night... for the most part.  We won't discuss last night though.  That was rough!!!  We put you down about 8:30 and you have been waking up around 5:00 or 5:30 to eat and then fall back to sleep.  Now that makes mama happy.

Other than that, things are about the same.  You still LOVE your fingers, even though I have bought you really cool binkies?  Your sister still adores you.  We have been really working with her on knowing that you are her brother and she is your sister.  She keeps repeating, "Boys are brothers and girls are sissies."  You still enjoy being in the pool and taking baths and the occasional kisses from Zarady.