Dear Briggs,
It seems like a life-time ago since I posted your 1 month update. A lot has taken place during this month and you have taken it all in stride.
You took your first airplane ride this month and were a trooper. Mommy was lucky enough to have you sleep for most of the flight, we can't say the same for your sister. You have had the opportunity to meet most of your extended family. Of course the all just love you and think you look just like your daddy.
You and Stella both experienced your first parade and your first 4th of July firework show. And in true new baby fashion, you slept through both.
You still love taking a bath and we even bought you a new seat so you can take baths with your sister. You splish and splash her with your feet the entire time. And since you love the bath so much, mommy has even taken you swimming a few times... Although you are not quite ready for swimming lessons.
Briggs, you are such a strong little baby, it is only a matter of days until you are rolling over on your own. Which is probably a good thing since you prefer to be on your belly anyway.
Now that we have discussed your "good" firsts, let's also discuss some firsts that we would like to turn into lasts ;-). You have discovered that you really like to sleep when people are holding you... So much so that you really don't like to sleep any other way. Now I don't necessarily blame you for this, since we have been at Mimi and Pops's house for so long there is always someone who wants to hold you have become a little bit, how can I say this nicely, spoiled!! You want to be held and are not afraid to let us know. When you were first born, I remember one of our friends telling us that you had such. "wimp cry". Well you obviously took that to heart and beefed it up a little bit, actually a lot.
You are usually easy to calm with a binky, however you still unfortunately prefer your fingers.
Briggs, with all the ways that you have grown and changed this month, by far my most favorite thing you have learned to do this month is smile. You have the most amazingly cute little smile that just melts my heart. Stella is constantly saying, "mama he's smiling at me. He likes me.". Yes Briggs, you do like your sister and right now she likes you. I hope and pray you always have a close relationship and that you count on one another.
I am sure when I write this next month, we will have a lot more firsts. But, if I may, I have one request one for you to work on... let's try to work on sleeping through the night ;-).